

Monday, October 10, 2011


Built literally on Lake Huron in Ontario, Canada, by MOS Architects, Floating House is a private dwelling produced in such a way that it is unaffected by the lakes' drastically varying water levels. From month-to-month, year-to-year, the house adapts to the water level change by floating atop of a structure built atop steel pontoons.
"Using traditional construction processes would have been prohibitively expensive; the majority of costs would have been applied toward transporting building materials to the remote island. Instead, we worked with the contractor to devise a prefabrication and construction process that maximized the use of the unique character of the site: Lake Huron as a waterway. Construction materials were instead delivered to the contractor’s fabrication shop, located on the lake shore. The steel platform structure with incorporated pontoons was built first and towed to the lake outside the workshop. On the frozen lake, near the shore, the fabricators constructed the house. The structure was then towed to the site and anchored. In total, between the various construction stages, the house traveled a total distance of approximately 80 km on the lake."

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