Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Promise you won’t tell anyone…!

taken from www.messynessychic.com

L’Etage de Pastavino – Saint Germain’s best-kept secret

It just looks like an ordinary Italian deli (épicerie in French) on a bustling market street in Saint Germain … but it’s hiding a secret in a dark corner at the back. 
Indicated only by two blackboards nearly tucked out of sight, something well-worth discovering is at the top of this winding staircase … 
Disappear past the shelves of Italian produce and find yourself in a charming, chic and cosy dining room upstairs…
Jazz music plays softly in the background.
We didn’t order this little plate, but it came anyway. 

We tried the four house cheeses of the day. I didn’t know ricotta could taste like that…
Look at that creamy heart of burrata…
The menu is varied and written entirely in Italian (which the rather handsome waiters kindly translate and explain to you item by item). The meats and cheeses are especially good because naturally, they are fresh from the deli downstairs. I had a big ol’ veal milanese on the bone that I washed down with a beautiful glass (or two) of Italian red.
So next time you pass a deli-cum-sandwich shop, take a second look, it might not be all that it seems! I suppose it was obvious really, just look at the panini maker’s face– he’s definitely hiding something!
La Bottega Pastavino//L’Etage de Pastavino18 Rue de Buci, 6eme. (Advisable to give them a quick call to make a reservation before you go, open for lunch and dinner, 01 44 07 09 56).

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