Saturday, December 24, 2011

"Lompat Batu" in Nias

For your information, Aceh is a special region in Indonesia, located on the northern tip of the island of Sumatra . Its full name is Daerah Istimewa Aceh (1959–2001), Nanggroë Aceh Darussalam (2001–2009) and Aceh(2009–Present). Past spellings of its name include AchehAtjeh and Achin. The Aceh province has the highest proportion of Muslims in the country.

There is a tradition in Nias (a place near Aceh) that has become a popular icon of the island of Nias. It is called "jumping stone".The tradition of jumping the stone is also an attraction for tourists visiting the island of Nias. Many tourists are curious about the tradition that players must go beyond the stone structure about 2 meters high.

Jumping Stone

  Tradition is also known as fahombo stone is a tradition that is carried by a young Nias to show he was considered worthy of an adult and mature physically. While fahombo cut these young men should wear local costumes.
Prior to this, the boys must follow a special ritual. Stone structure, which is transmitted to a layman rather high. Shape of the stone structure as a pyramid, and a flat top, about 2 meters in height and width of 90 cm and a length of up to 60 cm. Not just a little more than a stone structure, but also a good technique to avoid accidents.
Young people who are willing to wear clothes as a springboard cantilever and small first to pass these tall buildings. According to history, this tradition was originally a tool to test the island of Nias human mental and physical health. In addition, all the men who fought against mandatory before proceeding to the ritual stone jump. And most important for young Nias island if they can not make this tradition can not seduce a girl. This is because, for those not jump over the stone is considered not deserve to be married.
One last thing to note that all regions have a tradition of skipping stone on the island of Nias. The tradition of jumping the stone in some villages. For tourists wanting to see this tradition can be visited directly Bawomataluo village in the south, the island of Nias regency, North Sumatra.

To get to the island of Nias tourists can choose between two roads, waterways and air. If you want the way water can be started from the port of Sibolga. This trip was taken with a fast boat to Watu take about 4 hours. But if you want to travel faster through the air path. The trip can be started from Medan Polonia airport and is approximately 1 hour to get to Nias.

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