Friday, August 31, 2012

Umbrella Sky in Portugal

These candy-colored umbrellas suspended over an Agueda street are present rain of shine and beauty.
Portuguese design studio Ivotavares has created an installation for the municipality of Agueda, Portugal to stimulate a traditional shopping street into an engaging visual experience.
Hung over a series of promenades,’colurful umbrellas’ transforms the public walk by providing an interesting variation of color contrast and hues with the correct amount of given daylight.
The Flickr photographer Patricia Almeida recently shot these great photo’s and she writes: “In July and August, in Agueda (a Portuguese town), some streets are decorated with colorful umbrellas.
I felt like a kid, amazed by all that color!” She calls it an Umbrella Sky.
Umbrella Sky
Umbrella Sky by Ivotavares studio, photographed by Patricia Almeida

Umbrella Sky by Ivotavares studio, photographed by Patricia Almeida

Umbrella Sky by Ivotavares studio, photographed by Patricia Almeida

Umbrella Sky by Ivotavares studio, photographed by Patricia Almeida

Umbrella Sky by Ivotavares studio, photographed by Patricia Almeida

Monday, August 27, 2012

Yummy !

How to To Make Your Food Taste Awesome

In case you are not skilled with the food recipes and preparation, listed bellow are some of the easy food tips to make your meals delicious easy way. No matter you prepare breakfast, dinner or just a snack, the easy food tips are here to make your food even more attractive and awesome.
TzeGF How to To Make Your Food Taste Awesome
63YAY How to To Make Your Food Taste Awesome
WVPae How to To Make Your Food Taste Awesome
4AQfG How to To Make Your Food Taste Awesome
WNS7J How to To Make Your Food Taste Awesome
hTPXs How to To Make Your Food Taste Awesome
NZ2Hb How to To Make Your Food Taste Awesome

8Fa0Q How to To Make Your Food Taste Awesome
5X4EE How to To Make Your Food Taste Awesome
YUMd2 How to To Make Your Food Taste Awesome
YYQlP How to To Make Your Food Taste Awesome
G93Ob How to To Make Your Food Taste Awesome
fgupI How to To Make Your Food Taste Awesome
hnbCR How to To Make Your Food Taste Awesome
z0JcO How to To Make Your Food Taste Awesome
QuNDm How to To Make Your Food Taste Awesome
7kaRb How to To Make Your Food Taste Awesome
007qe How to To Make Your Food Taste Awesome
G2NFN How to To Make Your Food Taste Awesome
AG19M How to To Make Your Food Taste Awesome
wklPB How to To Make Your Food Taste Awesome
FT4lY How to To Make Your Food Taste Awesome

Thursday, August 23, 2012

optical design

1. Use #2 pencil.
Draw 9+ vertical waves. Alter space and curves

2. Draw a wave across.

3. Use thin Sharpie.
Draw upward curves above the middle wave.
Draw downward curves below the middle wave.

Every next curve starts at a previous line.
Alter the distance between the curves.

4. Complete the entire section.

5. Complete the entire design.

6. Color each section gradating color from dark to light to dark.

7. Use an analogous color and apply same gradation pattern.

8. Add another analogous color or repeat the first one.

Keep coloring!

9. Use different colors for the next section.
This is how you color:
  • shade lightly the entire shape with a color of your choice
  • shade full strength - leaving a small area in the middle
  • use white pencil to blend the middle part
  • use black or a darker color to blend the sides of the shape.


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Natural Pools or Natural Swimming Ponds (NSPs)
Let nature clean the water...

natural pool
Chemical-free water garden and swimming pool. The plant portion, or regeneration zone, is separated from the swimming area by the wall seen a few inches below the water’s surface.

natural pool
The pools have skimmers and pumps that circulate the water through the regeneration zone and back into the swimming area. The aquatic plants filter out contaminants and use nutrients from the water as food which helps prevent algae. Then rocks, such as granite river rock or haydite, to which friendly bacteria attach, act as biological filters. More questions answered here: &

natural pool
There are many options as to design. Beneficial bacteria (micro-organisms and microbes) colonize the rock and help cleanse the water.

natural pools
A gradual slope contains the plants, gravel and loamy sand, a wall keeps them separate from the swimming area.

natural pool
Vacuum but twice a year and tend to the plants as needed. The plants will need to be cut back in the fall so they do not die in the pool.

natural pool
The regeneration zone can be along the perimeter of a natural pool or a pond unto itself but connected to the swimming area.

natural pool
For a true natural pool with no help from ultraviolet light or other such technology, the requirement is half swimming area, half regeneration area.

natural pool
Plants steel the nutrients away from algae.

natural pool
Half regeneration area, half swimming pool.

natural pool
Natural predators such as water striders and dragonflies will come to live in the enrichment area and feast on mosquitoes. If you chose to have a skimmer installed this will keep mosquitoes in check as well. Woodhouse demo pool

natural pool
Use your pool as an ice rink in winter, as there is no need for a cover.

natural pool
A first year pool will need at least 60 days to self-adjust, but installing an ultraviolet sterilizer in the pump area will have you swimming almost immediately.

natural pool
Note the plant pond to the right. In France:

natural pool
The pools are most popular in Austria, where a company called Biotop has been designing them for residential and public use since 1986.

natural pool
Two-tiered, the waterfall helps oxygenate the pool.

natural pool
A hybrid natural pool usually has two circulation pumps. One where water is circulated through the plant and rock filters before being discharged back to the bottom of the pond. The second surface circulation system pulls water through one or two skimmers filtering out floating debris. Water drawn through the skimmers passes through some type of filter system, such as a UV filter and/or a biofilter—essentially a box filled with bacteria-laden bio-media—before returning to the pool. A waterfall helps with oxygenation. South Africa:

natural pool
Love the deck amongst the water plants. An original Biotop pool -

natural pool
Access through an enrichment area.

natural pool
Love the diving boards.

natural pool
Natural pool in the UK

natural pool
Convert a pond into a swimming pond. Mother Earth News says there are a few options as to liners - bentonite clay to seal the soil or a synthetic liner. If you choose a synthetic, they recommend ethylene propylene diene monomer rather than

natural pool
Ice skate in the winter.

natural pool
No chemicals so the water is soft.

natural pools
Close up of a Do it Yourself kit from

natural pool
Northeast U.S.

natural pool
New free-form construction.

natural pool
Conventional pools can also be converted to natural pools; above is an internal conversion.

natural swimming pool
Convert your existing pool into a natural pool. See pics of a conversion process here:

natural swimming pool
Conversion with added beach.